There are hundreds, probably thousands, of public web sites and discussion panels now available which express a myriad of lines of thoughts related to suspected falacies and alternate approaches to understanding physical science about time, space, and force. The authors of these pages range from persons of grade school to doctoral education levels in every imaginable profession and line of work.

This expression of doubt about the nature of science which is dogmatically proliferated with our formal education institutions probably has always existed, but it is only recently with the advent of the computerized web system that the thoughts could be openly expressed. The primary problem with these web sites and discussion panels is that there are almost as many different personal opinions about the needed corrective action as there are participants. Approaches range from analysis of the complex mathematical equations to simple statements of frustrations about the resistance of the academic refusal to permit open discussion of ideas which suggest changes are needed.

I will not attempt to even begin to formulate of complete list of such sites because this has already been done by others, and multiple sites listing sites are currently available through use of existing web search engines, and individule collections. As a starting point for those who might not have given any thought at all to these alternate science concepts, however, I will list just a very few of the sites which have been of special interest to myself.